Our online information system provides detailed status information about the cases we work on. If you are a community manager, you can get online access to case information regarding all the accounts for our association clients that you manage. If you are an association president, you can get access to your association’s accounts that are being handled by our firm (with the president’s authorization, the treasurer may be granted online access instead). Before you can use our online information system, you must register by submitting the following items. After we receive your registration request, we will verify your credentials and send you an email to confirm your registration. You will then be able to login to our system using the email address and password which you selected.
Attention Presidents: In order to process a new user registration, it is important that CWMEB has an updated listing of the officers and directors for your association. Verification of credentials may involve obtaining confirmation from your managing agent (if applicable) or other sources.
First Name: Last Name:
Management company name (for mgmt. co employee) or association name (for president/treasurer):
Phone number:
Email address:
Desired username:
Desired password: (must be at least 9 characters and contain at least 1 number and 1 letter)
Repeat desired password: